Is Your Venue A Corporate Event Destination?

Elevate your venue's presence + seize the opportunity to stand out in the competitive corporate event industry by joining Popevent.
As a part of our dynamic platform, you'll gain direct access to a targeted audience of event planners actively seeking exceptional venues like yours. Showcase your unique offerings, receive immediate feedback + forge meaningful connections with planners who appreciate your space's potential.
Maximize your reach, boost bookings + become a sought-after destination for corporate events. Don't miss out on this chance to amplify your success. Join Popevent now and take your venue to the next level!
Welcome Venues

Qualified, Connected + In-Person

Popevent LIVE means targeted exposure, a competitive edge + immediate feedback for venues. Show your space to planners seeking venues, stand out from the competition, and get instant insights to enhance your offerings. Join Popevent Live now to make your venue the ultimate choice for unforgettable events!
  • Targeted Exposure
    Participating in Popevent LIVE grants venues direct access to a focused + curated audience of event organizers actively seeking venues. This targeted exposure ensures that your venue is showcased to potential clients who are genuinely interested in finding suitable spaces for their events. By paying to be showcased, venues tap into a pool of pre-qualified leads, maximizing the chances of generating inquiries and bookings.
  • Competitive Advantage
    In a crowded market, venues need a competitive edge to stand out. Participating in Popevent LIVE sets your venue apart by offering a tangible and experiential showcase. This type of engagement provides planners with an in-depth understanding of your venue's features, ambiance + offerings. By paying to be showcased, you gain a unique opportunity to highlight your venue's strengths, building a compelling case for why it's the ideal choice for memorable events.
  • Instant Non-Public Feedback
    Popevent LIVE allows venues to receive instant + non-public feedback from event planners who experience their space firsthand. This valuable feedback provides insights into planners' reactions + preferences, helping venues understand how their offerings resonate + if any improvements are needed.

Venue Tours Are Custom!

Making sure your venue is on our map, secures your future corporate event bookings!

Each City gets a "Short-List"!

Each city gets a short-list of venues we reach out to for a in-person partnership for our corporate event organizers to visit! Will you be on our next?
Venue You Feedback

Venue Success Stories!

A sample of our success stories of venues that harnessed the power of Popevent Live. Explore firsthand experiences and learn how participating in our event transformed their event planning journey.